In Concert [Hi-Res]
In Concert [Hi-Res]
Artist : Julio Iglesias
Artist: Julio Iglesias
Album: In Concert
Genre: Pop, Latin
Quality: 24Bit FLAC (tracks)
Size: 2.91 MB


01-Obertura Medley: La Guerra de Los Mundos / Abrazame / Volver A Empezar
02-Volver A Empezar (Begin The Beguine)
03-Pensami (Júrame) (Think Of Me)
04-Vivir A Dos (Live Together)
05-Grande, Grande, Grande, (Great, Great, Great)
06-Cantando a Francia: Que Reste-il (I Wish You Love) / La Vie en Rose / La Mer (The Sea)
07-Momentos (Moments)
08-As Time Goes By (De La Peícula 'Casablanca')
09-Cantando A Latinoamerica: Sabor a Mi / Noche de Ronda / Cucurrucucu Paloma
10-Homenaje A Cole Porter: Night And Day / True Love / I Love Paris
14-Obertura Medley: La Guerra de Los Mundos / Obertura 83
15-Quijote (Quixote)
16-Fidele (Amantes)
17-De Niña A Mujer (From A Child To A Woman)
18-Ou Est Passee Ma Boheme (Quiéreme Mucho) (Carefree Days)
19-Cantando A Latinoamerica: La Flor De La Canela / Moliendo Cafe / Noches De Ypacarai / Guantanamera / Quizás, Quizás, Quizás
20-Samba De Minha Terra (Samba Of My Land)
21-Un Canto Galicia (A Song To Galicia)
22-Quand Tu N'es Plus La (Caminito) (When You Are Not Here Anymore)
23-Un Sentimental (A Sentimental)
24-Cantando A Mexico: Ella (She) / El Rey (The King) / Maria Bonita
25-Me Olvide De Vivir (I Forget To Live)
26-Paloma Blanca (White Dove)
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